Dian-Lun (Aaron) Lin resume

Fifth-year PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dian-Lun (Aaron) Lin | Fifth-year PhD student at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Taro: Task graph-based asynchronous programming system using C++ coroutine

Taro is an asynchronous task graph programming system that allows you to write coroutines in a task graph while abstracting away complex coroutine management. Repository

Taskflow: A General-purpose Parallel and Heterogeneous Task Programming System

Taskflow helps C++ developers quickly write parallel and heterogeneous programs with high performance and simultaneous high productivity. Repository

RTLflow: A GPU Acceleration Flow for RTL Simulation with Batch Stimulus

RTLflow helps circuit designers quickly simulate RTL designs using automatically generated C++ and CUDA code on a high-throughput GPU platform. Repository

SNIG: Large Sparse Neural Network Inference using Task Graph Parallelism

SNIG is the Champion-Award inference engine for Large Sparse Neural Network. Repository